Hope Walks for Kaci Grace
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Hope Walks for Kaci Grace

In November 2014 we lost our little girl, Kaci Grace. She was stillborn at 22 weeks gestation and we were heartbroken. This was not how our first pregnancy was supposed to go. While in the hospital we received several pamphlets to help us with our grief. Initially I tossed them all aside, too sad and angry to even think about how I was going to "manage" this. After Kaci's funeral, Chad and I decided to look into resources available to us and I remembered all the information we got from the hospital. While flipping through, one pamphlet stood out among the rest, a picture of a beautiful, warmly lit lodge and the words "a place where hope grows". I started reading about Faith's Lodge, how it began and the programming they offer. Chad pulled up their website and noticed there was a weekend for parents with similar losses coming up in January. We knew we needed to be there.

We arrived at the lodge on Thursday evening of our weekend and we greeted by the night manager. She showed us to our room and introduced us to one of the other couples that had already arrived. It was both odd and comforting to already know something so personal about someone you just met, that they too had lost a child. There was an unstated understanding between us and I think it put us all more at ease. Throughout the weekend we participated in programming and activities designed specifically for grieving parents. We also had time to ourselves for reflection and relaxation, with many individual activities available throughout the grounds. Those three days were the first three days I felt normal since losing Kaci. We left with the ability to breathe a little better and feeling recommitted to each other and as parents. Eventhough we would never hold our little girl again, she would always be our daughter. 

While I wish I didn't have to know Faith's Lodge I am so grateful that it exists. There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am for the lodge in the woods of Western Wisconsin where hope truly does start to grow. Kaci Grace will forever be in our hearts and we can honor her by supporting this amazing organization and the services they provide to grieving parents and families. Please join us in support of Faith's Lodge at this year's Hope Walks & Rolls. 


Chad & Laura

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